
Hopefully gensym generates a UUID

Octopress on GitHub Pages for Dummies (Me)

Follow these steps to create a blog using Octopress on GitHub. I’m assuming you have a system ruby installed; preferably you’re using Arch Linux, because that’s what I used.

1. First — don’t read the documentation on

Don’t bother reading the help documents about GitHub Pages and Jekyll at ; in Octopress everything is generated outside of Github.

2. Don’t run git clone yet

First, if you have a user pages <user> repository on GitHub — delete it! Octopress works by forking the Octopress repository and adding your content on top of it. I’m not even sure if it’s possible to merge the history from two different repositories in git, but I bet it’s not worth the trouble. Just delete it (back it up first if it has anything in it — or you could just rename it).

Now create a new <user> repository, and UNCHECK all the boxes: no README, no license, no .gitignore — we want a blank repository with no commits.

3. Okay, now git clone

4. Run gem install bundler

You need bundler to do everything else, and on Arch Linux it should install under $HOME/.gem/

5. DON’T run bundle install! (If you’re using Arch Linux)

This is important: bundle will ignore that gem is set to install locally (--user-install) by default on Arch Linux, and install everything in /usr. (Okay, you can cancel when it asks for your sudo password, but still). Plus it will install the dependencies for Octopress/Jekyll mixed with anything else you have installed, which is annoying, at least.

You will need to add export GEM_HOME=$(ruby -e 'puts Gem.user_dir') to your shell (~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc) to get bundler to install gems under your home directory (see ). However, this is negated by our next step:

Run bundler install --path .bundle. This will make bundler install the dependencies listed in the Gemfile into .bundle/, which is much easier to clean up 1

6. Don’t run rake setup_github_pages

Since we made bundler install the gems into .bundle/, they aren’t on the PATH. To run the rake installed by bundler, we would need to type bundle exec rake <task>. I for one refuse to type that more than once, so do alias rake='bundle exec rake' to make things easier temporarily (I don’t have a permanent solution for this yet).

7. Whew! Now run rake setup_github_pages

8. Don’t run rake generate yet

First edit _config.yml to customize your site: change some things like title:, subtitle:, author: and maybe add your username to github_user: if you want.

9. Finally! Run rake generate and then rake deploy

  • you should see a bunch of output, some of which may be git telling you about missing tracking information for the current branch (don’t worry about this yet)

  • you should have source, sass, _deploy, and public directories now

  • if you do git status, you should see changes in Rakefile and _config.yml, and untracked directories sass and source

  • you should be able to see your new site at http://<user> now (GitHub documentation says it may take a few minutes; I personally haven’t seen a delay in updating yet).

10. Now do git add . and git commit, write a commit message and then git push origin source

With Octopress, the source for generating the site is kept on the ‘source’ branch, and the generated files are committed and pushed to the ‘master’ branch automatically by rake deploy

Now, you could continue to develop your site, add some posts and whatnot — but I recommend you do two things first:

  • cd ..; rm -rf octopress
  • git clone -b source<username>/<username>
  • cd <username>
  • git clone -b master<username>/<username> _deploy2

This will help git get straightened out with all of the remote tracking branches etc. The only problem is you have to run bundle install --path .bundle again — oops. Of course I thought of that before deleting the original directory…

  1. technically, it is possible to uninstall gems (see or — where would the world be without StackOverflow?)

  2. see, e.g., or — seriously, do the Octopress people really expect no one to ever move to a different computer?